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Anonymitet Er du trt af at blive overvget at din administrator eller udbyder, nr du surfer rundt? Med en VPN forbindelse er din trafik altid krypteret, og du kan hverken blive overvget af din lokale eller eksterne administrator! Med VPN kan du trygt og roligt surfe rundt uden at skulle vre bange for at blive afslret i, hvad du bruger internettet til. Frihed Sprrer din arbejdsgiver, administrator eller internetudbyder for sider eller services, du gerne vil kunne bruge? Bor du i et land der blokerer for Skype, Facebook, Youtube og andre sider, du gerne vil bruge?
Eller befinder du dig p en skole hvor der er blokeret for spil? Med VPN har du altid adgang til det store internet uden blokeringer! Kan du heller ikke bruge danske net tjenester nr du befinder dig i udlandet? Eller krver en hjemmeside at du har en dansk IP-adresse? Med VPN er du altid forbundet med en dansk IP-adresse, som giver dig mulighed for at benytte alle danske net tjenester, selvom du befinder dig i udlandet! Alt i eet klik vpn til , lser dit internet op, undg geografiske blokeringer. Vpn trafik til Android features — 1 klik forbindelse til vores vpn server, gratis setup!
Come nascondere il mio ip nei forum sono su forumfree e vorrei nascondere il mio ip cos gli altri non lo vedono si pu??? La parole privacy un po la parole dordine in Internet in questi ultimi tempi. Anche gli utenti medi, ormai, stanno diventando molto pi consapevoli del fatto che il trasferimento dei loro dati nel grande e non sempre amichevole oceano che il web meno sicuro di quello che si potrebbe pensare.
Ci sono alcune misure che possibile adottare per aumentare la vostra sicurezza, come linstallazione di un firewall o provare a bloccare gli indirizzi IP noti come molesti che potrebbero spiare le vostre abitudini di navigazione. Il primo passo per chi cerca di ottenere un livello successivo e sufficiente di sicurezza quello di utilizzare unarete privata virtuale VPN per crittografare tutti i dati in entrata e in uscita.
Meglio una VPN gratis. Una Virtual Private Network permette di collegare il vostro computer ad una rete virtuale che a sua volta crittografa i dati inviati, escludendo tutto dal dominio pubblico e fermando lazione molesta di malware e siti dannosi. Una buona VPN non manterr nessun record della vostra cronologia di navigazione, rendendovi a tutti gli effetti degli utenti anonimi.
Molte Virtual Private Network sono riservate ad uso di ufficio, per consentire agli utenti di accedere al loro network di lavoro e ottenere libero accesso ai servizi contenuti in esso. Tuttavia, dal momento che state leggendo un articolo sui servizi VPN gratis, probabilmente siete pi preoccupati per la vostra sicurezza e interessati a scoprire come fare per usufruire delle funzioni offerte da uno di essi. Non avete necessariamente bisogno di utilizzare Internet per scopi illegali per beneficare di un servizio VPN gratis.
Come quando si utilizza un proxy, una VPN pu anche aiutare ad accedere a siti web che possono essere non disponibili nei luogi in cui vi connettete. VpnTraffic — All in one-tap vpn , libera la tua Internet, aggira i blocchi legati al tuo paese! Vuoi accedere a tutti i siti, incluso Facebook, Twitter e altri?
Vuoi navigare con un diverso indirizzo IP? Le caratteristiche di VpnTraffic per Android: Server VPN disponibili nel mondo: Ridefinisci le regole del tuo firewall,prendi il controllo della tua rete. Impedisci a ISP locali di spiarti e dicontrollare la velocit del tuo traffico dati. Privacy I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet.
Evita i blocchi locali! Server vpn localizzati in tutto il mondo. Qualcosa in rete si trova, ma sempre molto labile, un giorno c , laltro no. Un giorno va , laltro rallenta…. Capitando di tanto in tanto allestero ed essendo un fedele abbonato di Sky nonch calciofilo addicted, ho approfondito il tema di SkyGo dallestero, oscurato per una questione di diritti televisivi. La decisione di condividere sul mio anonimo blog una guida deriva dal fatto che su internet non se ne trova mezza che spieghi dettagliatamente come vedere SkyGo allestero.
La VPN in grado di farvi acquisire un IP italiano e mantiene al contempo una velocit di connessione che altre soluzioni un virtual proxy ad esempio non vi garantirebbero. La soluzione descritta di seguito pensata per i dispositivi made in Apple, ma facilmente applicabile anche ad un personal computer, lunica differenza che dovrete impostare l la VPN.
Senza intrattenervi oltre con tediosi particolari tecnici passo al breve how-to. Create un account su AppStore italiano qualora gi non ne abbiate uno. Dato che serve una carta di credito esiste anche qui un workaround semplice per evitare di doverla inserire: Scaricate lapplicazione SkyGo http: Terminato il download aprite lapp, inserite username e password e potrete vedere SkyGo username e password sono quelli che ottenete registrandovi come abbonati su http: I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet.
Why do I need a VPN? If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more? If you need Change your IP address? What you need is a VPN account! It required setting new password as well as manual configuration. It was like he was holding my hand all the way through the process!
Best support chat ever, O'Brien stuck with problem until fully and resolved. A good product but hard to find a person with patient as I am not a computer expert. Most of the time your online personnel just sent you a link and you have to do it yourself. I finally got it done through O'Brien and i believed he is quite knowledgeable and helpful. The service is great, they have been a great help every time, the program itself is a little buggy and leaks ipv6 so you best disable ipv6 in windows to fix this. It is working with netflix the chrome plugin works best with netflix US and it supports split tunneling.
I had a problem today. The interface wouldn't show on my monitor. I've been using it for about a year now and it's the first problem I had. I submitted a ticket to their support group and within an hour, they had me back up and running! All works well, nice prices and good service. Just had the update and the chat service was very good. The charge is on a monthly basis and it's easy to stop it.
Also the first installation went well. In fact it's so simple to stay anonymous online. I could not connect anymore to my VPV and a super professional solve this problem quickly. I recommend PureVpn because the most important is the service and with PureVpn the service is here. Fantastic, i tell you, fantastic. Great Service, very fast and secure. Using it from about a Year and found no issues with it. Features Like Split tunneling, Multi-device support, Unlimited server support are matchless.
Online Support is also very fast and accurate. The technical support and customer service are excellent! They managed to resolved my registration issue and followed me all the way to resolve it. Keep up the good job! I will sure recommend my friends to use PureVPN. If there is an issue, real people are waiting online to solve. They managed to resolve my registration issue right away.
I have been a member for a couple of years and have had no issues. Great service and very fast. Chat always works,rapid help, people that know what they are doing. I am specially fond how they guide you step by step and wait till you are done connecting ,very pleased with the service so far 2 months now! Sometimes servers get slow that's about it! I have used various VPNs and by far and away PureVPN is the best, secure, stable and with a great back office team who are always willing and ready to help - try this one last, you won't go anywhere else!
Pure VPN has excellent service and servers in a lot of countries , I have use it for several years, for me is an useful everyday tool. The speed is very good you don't have to worry about this, and there are app for mobile devices, and for PC too. Love the service of them. It is really fantastic. PureVPN has great performance, both on computers and mobile devices. The customer support is fantastic, there is a range of ways to get in touch, including; email, support tickets, social media and live chat we only had to wait for a few seconds to get a response back — it was detailed and very helpful.
Customer support is first class, the engineer, Stephen James, was really helpful and talked me through the problem, as I am a little bit tech savvy it helped but I am still coming to terms with the vagaries of windows Excellent service and great result. I am very happy with the company, product and service. All seems to work well tech support is knowledgeable and helpful and friendly.
Good support is very important to instill confidence in the user that company stands behind product. So far pleased with purevpn keep up the good work. Help Desk is always fantastic and my questions answered within seconds! My service plan is not expensive but always reliable which makes me to recommend everyone to use PureVPN. Thank you very much Guys! With chat Customer Service. Started with Hazel, she took the basic question I had and in rapid fashion transferred me to Stephen James? Stephen answered my original question in a blink and two follow-ons even quicker.
My observations of CS offerings by a host of companies across the spectrum of business pretty much mirrors human performance. Luckily for me and many others Stephen and his colleagues are far along the curve to excellence. Richard PS If is review is judged untruthful, please reach out and contact me. I would consider such a move that of injury to my integrity.
Resolved an issue with my contract very speedily. In the past, they have been excellent at resolving technical issues and also explaining the different types of contact available which are most suited to my needs. They also have stable and fast vpn connections. Excellent technical support, the features seem to work for me on Windows, Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro clients so far.
I'll need to try it on a Nvidia Shield. The only downside now is the connection speed to certain sites in China seems to be slow. Again, will need to test further. Chat and support are amazing and they will even remote help when needed. The App is quite simple and the setup guides are straightforward too. Its the best of 4 providers I have tried in the last few years.
I travel a lot and need the VPN to protect me. Also, I like to use it when I'm in Europe or Asia to access my US accounts which don't like visits from foreign countries. Great for watching US tv, etc. And great in airports. Easy to use too. Great if you travel a lot; you can access the US from foreign countries anonymously. Plus keeps the hackers away while you are traveling. Also can watch American TV when away. Their chat service is great! They have lots of servers in most countries. Have always found them helpful and prompt in dealing with queries.
Live chat is responds quickly to queries and doesn't try to hurry you through, making sure all aspects of query are dealt with. Happy to continue to use their service. Changed my subscription to other plan.
No problem, everything went well. My experience was that service is excellent and I'm satisfied. It worked really really well, and the company was quick and efficient at processing pmt and answering all my questions. It was a pleasurable experience to obtain a great service and awesome customer service. I was dealing with an issue for a long time and my assistant, Abbot was extraordinarily patient. I was irritated because this issue persisted for a long time, but Abbot stayed level headed and polite, and quickly brought a stop to my troubles.
The issue was related to a misunderstanding about an advertisement. The service works perfectly, I don't ever want to change VPN services. PureVPN is a very reliable service. Not only do they keep your data secure by offering secure encryption, but they have servers in countries all around the world, with thousands of IP addresses to choose from. Is a great app, fast and reliable in any situation and operating system. Also the support center is fast to answer and give me all the tools I need to set my machine. Thanks to Stephen James. Stephen James provided the perfect solution to my issue and he did it very quickly.
I needed to access a website from Germany and wasn't able to do this via the basic product functionality. Stephen provided me the dedicated IP and now my stream works perfectly. Connection worked fine for the first few months, then, after a few months, it started dropping every few minutes, making it impossible to use. I've tried everything the helpdesk but it would not work. Clearly a problem on their side, but they refused to refund. So, stay well away. It will stop working and they will keep your money. I had an issue with my VPN and decided to ask the help desk for help.
Tevez, the support agent, walked me through the required steps and helped me fix the problem right away with very little trouble. Purepvn always delivers a good, strong connection and is well worth the money. I haven't had any issues with PureVPN , I've tried Nord instant regret and a few others too , Pure has never given me any issues at all , if I've been stuck i have been given assistance in language i can understand and the cost has been great as an Australian user of a VPN service. And to top it all they gave me 4 years for the cost of one year. Speedy connections for almost every country you can think of.
Cost effective, good software and reliable. The website provides clear instructions for installation on many software platforms. There are even additions and extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers. Can't ask for more. Works fast, reliable connection, easy to use on Android, Wii, Windows, no complaints. Just signed for 5 year plan: The apps load faster than others I have used. Their customer support is very patient and helpful and does not leave the client disappointed, My account had some technical difficulties and was not logging in after a while, they gave me guidelines to get myself through the error and get things worked out.
I've tried everything the help desk suggested but nothing would work. I've been using PureVPN for a year now and never had troubles. So I re-signed for another year. With great support from their online chat I was able to extend that deal to 5 years to their cyber monday sale, which I actually missed by a week. Looking forward to 5 years of easy to use, hassle-free VPN service at an unbeatable price. The service functioned perfectly and I have a live chat with customers support that kindly helped me in what I needed!
He helped me patiently and efficiently with my problem so I could solvent right away. I highly recommend PureVPN!! The assistant by chat is very quick and professional. I really like this service. They got so many servers in the world , and the connection it is so good. But the most important thing for me is their support was excellent, i'm not sure about the other VPNs are this good or not ,but pure vpn is good enough for me ,that's it. This VPN is easy to use and it's reliable.
It's improved enormously over the past 18 months since I got it and I will be staying with it for the foreseeable future. The customer service is accessible and good. What more do you want? I had an issue in connecting to the app, I spoke to a couple of people before being able to fix it, but Tevez was very reactive, smart and efficient. The live chat is quick and Tevez really asked good questions, not stupid questions like "is your computer plugged" sort of question. Tevez helped me find that I had two accounts and was able to fix my issue and close the unused account so I never run into this problem again.
Best VPN service anyone could ask for. When I was trying to use the VPN service on my mobile phone and windows computer, their comprehensive guides made the process easy for anyone to use, no matter your level of technological literacy. The vpn works well but needs to develop a feature to download videos.
I think PureVPN is simply the best in every possible way and the customer service is fantastic. I would highly recommend it to anyone!
Just wanted to say PureVPN do not refund your money despite they advertised on their website, money back guarantee! Waxaad ka-fiirsataa video-ha Xalwadda ama Hariisada. It was like he was holding my hand all the way through the process! Simply put, I want to achieve enlightenment in the sense that I want my mind to be completely open. There was a great discussion after my last post on tennis elbow straps. Pourquoi utiliser un Vpn pour regarder la télé? Das aus zeitlichen Gründen rechtlich aktuell nicht mehr gemacht werden kann ist allen Beteiligten klar, ansonsten könnte sehr wohl rechtlich noch einiges unternommen werden.
Very kind and effective assistants. The controversy was resolved effectively and in no time. Very kind Kayne as well as all the people I've contacted so far. You are really gently. You can't go wrong with these guys - great service - unbeatable price - customer service, super responsive and has never failed to address my issues, rare that they be- I would never consider not using a VPN again in my lifetime.
Although i used their service for only a month i could see that my internet speed was not affected. Thanks to their great number of servers and their quality. The customer service is also amazing, nothing short of what you would expect. Had recently a problem connecting to servers which was solved by the support team within minutes Secondly, it was fast and easy to install. Third, it's easy to understand and use.
And finally, the one time I had a problem connecting the support was amazing. A very patient and skillful tech stuck with the problem for nearly an hour in live chat and finally got it fixed. Can't ask for more than that. I only wish all online tech support for other things was this good. It worked fine but when I had trouble, Support Fixed it in 15 min or less, depending on your problem mine was about 10 mins and under.
The vpn is easy to use. Installs fast and is reliable for surfing the net without any worry as to who may be watching our efforts. Any questions as to operational errors or non compliance are answered promptly and efficiently almost within seconds. Would recommend unreservedly to one and all. Had a small payment issue, contacted customer service and sorted it out right away. It was the best i have seen. Fixed my issue in less then 5 min without question.
Was pushed to the right representative to resolve my issue quickly also. Five star service from chat window, got me hooked up fast to a dedicated IP service. I would recommend Pure VPN to anyone who travels abroad regularly. I had a technical question and received a very fast and satisfactory response to my inquiry from the technical staff member named Hamelin. He was knowledgeable, understanding and fast.
Some minutes ago I bought a 5 years VPN plan at a great price. I had a problem in the expiry date of the new 5 years plan. I contacted the support. Their response speed is incredible. They fixed the problem in less than five minutes. Interface is great, easy to use, lots of servers and no drop off's so far.
I had a technical issue and their customer service team solved very fast and in a courteous way thanks Hamlin! A step by step guidance throughout by assisting me patiently on setting up of the software on my laptop as well as other mobile equipment. Thank you very much Cosmo. Slow to connect to some servers at times. Switch to another server tho and it connects. Good value for the money and the support is top notch I've tried others but this service is better.
Easy to set up and interface is easy to navigate. I use it in South Africa. My ISP was always throttling me. With PureVPN, it has corrected the problem. Their customer services are always very helpful and is always willing to assist where possible. This one might not be for you. Perhaps you are being pressured by the kids to add a vpn,after all the news of the holes in WPS They don't want their inheritance headed over to Nigeria. However, I don't want to make Pure seem complicated-- for any person of any age. At least within Chrome, a Chromebook version capable of installing and? Without any effort on my part, other than giving each VPN a tryout on my chromebook One click, both would start right up in Google's preferred default settings.
If you want more, and like me, would choose imaginary control over a press they fun wheel-looking things and just observe the magic. PURE VNP, offering both ease of use for beginners, as well as control freaks that wish to lord over settings You have to at least grasp why you get options. Which is excellent if you aren't afraid of computers. Customer service was friendly, instant improvement on download speeds and availability. I am glad they came out with the easily downloadable app because I never did figure out how to install from a USB I have an iPad, not a computer and I'm not very skilled.
This help session was excellent. The technician was helpful and right to the point. Very quick to respond and got the job done very quickly. Great to have real person in real time. Keep up the great work. To disconnect from the VPN, you must click a tiny "back" text that turns out to be a button, 0 user friendly and hard to locate via app interface logic. I would strongly recommend the developers to implement an on and off button as to facilitate its users a comprehensive way of managing their vpn. So I couldn't connect to the US and tried a million times.
Ended up chatting with Tevez in customer service, who fixed the problem for me in less than 3 minutes. I found the PureVPN app very easy to use and although I had a few connection problems which turned out had nothing to do with PureVPN , the PureVPN online chat support very quickly walked me through the solution to get me reconnected again.
I give PureVPN 4 stars because of ease of use and security and great support. Your tech support was excellent. Problems solved quickly and professionally. The manual setup was easy to follow for the Mac. The manual setup on iOS 11 took a bit of tweaking, but in the end the tech's step by step procedure worked fine.
I still however think that the VPN connection can be simplified by just clicking "Connect" without having to play around in the settings. Maybe my issue was unique but nontheless, the immediate assistance from the Live Chat team was exceptional. PureVPN has apps for all my devices. I can start watching overseas shows on my iPad and continue on my iPhone while travelling.
Also great app for Windows and Mac. I've been using it for years and I can't think about using another service. PureVPN is the best also in costumer service. The attendants are always ready to help with our doubts. That's why I love it and recommend to all. I have been having the issue with proxies being blocked but Ivan told me about the new plug in Firefox.
My subscription runs out in a few days and I was thinking about cancelling but with this new break through, I will be sticking with PureVPN. If you are patient enough you can wait for a good deal and have a really good price for a good vpn. The servers are good so it's perfect. The only problem for me is the difficulty to connect because there are 2 different logins, one for the website and another for the application, it's kinda weird but except from this, everything is okay.
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Switched from Private Internet Access to Pure. PIA slowed to a crawl and became unusable. PIA's instructions and support were cryptic and useless. User interface is excellent. And the price is right. Keep up the outstanding work. They help me 7 times through email. Dear Customer, Connecting to China server may be troublesome however you are suggested to try.
Here are the China servers Dear Customer, Apologies for the inconvenience you have faced. You are requested to please follow the steps below on your windows App: Please follow these steps in Pure VPN app 2. Type server address in the dashboard I asked for support to go throughout the setting up of the router. Tevez assisted me in 2 stages, first to fix the settings in the router and then in providing the right server name. I now have the service I need. Super easy to install and use, different modes for different speeds and VPN uses. Everything worked well and as soon as I got a problem the Live Chat helped me very fast and I got a response in about 10 seconds.
I am using this service since almost two years. Really great value for money. Also very friendly service step by step support is the best, Great A class customer support in the world and best VPN service. Turned out to be my error but he was responsive and narrowed the problem until I realized where I'd gone wrong.
I've had some issues, but the support is really good and helped me to solve it. For the moment I only have been using the app for 1 day, and for the moment it's pretty cool, i can watch Netflix and other stuff, but I repeat the most important thing of my review, the support! Fast response from the support team and he was too kind, so I will renew my account without any thinking of make another account on any other VPN company, thank you PureVPN for giving me your great service. Everything works just fine. Customer service is really excellent. You can reach them any time. And the price is the cheapest among others.
I would really recommend you to give it a try. And it's easy to use. Stephen James was excellent and is the reason it was easy to stick with this what at first seemed like a confusing product as described in PC magazine. I am not sophisticated and he walked me through all of it so I can now use the product on all my mac devices with ease. Fastest VPN I've used, love the different options catering to your specific purpose. Having desktop and mobile options is also great. The recommendations for faster streaming is also helpful and there is no shortage of locations to select. OCS is the best, super fast and super concern.
Because of OCS like Frances. I always travel to 3 countries and each one of this countries have their own set of internet freedom law. I will sure recommended all my friends to use Pure VPN, why? My Pre-paid credit card will not work. So far, So good. I tried another VPN and they would not reply for a week at a time. I work for a company that needs privacy. I had an issue when my renewal time come but one of their support members Stephen James solved it for me in a few seconds.
Great service is not only limited to perfect uptime of their servers but also how fast they can solve the customers issues. I just renewed but I will probably renew again next time around. If there was a problem and I had to contact the support team, the help and care I've got was great! The service works great, and when it doesn't, their tech support is very quick to respond and has been able to solve every problem without exception. Thanks to Stephen James to help to setup this too quickly.
His attention was great and pretty kind. Have to say, I've been able to stream TV and connect fast without any major issues. I had a connectivity problem on one day, but I opened up the live chat support on PureVPN's website, and I was able to get the issue rectified within 2 minutes of speaking to the Agent!! That in my opinion is great customer service. I'm not good with this kind of stuff,but with their service and support they helped me a lot and guide me step by step until my Purevpn was working.
For the app PureVpn itself I personally like it so much because for people like me that lack of experience with technology, this app is pretty easy to use so I think everyone can use it.
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I had an issue with renewal, contacted online support. It was resolved in a minute and I could see the corrections online. I wish all support staff where the same. Fast, reliable connection for streaming UK TV. Any issues are promptly resolved with online chat. Having tried other providers, PureVPN has been the best value for money. I need a service I don't have to fiddle with, lots of options and that won't slow me down. They recently updated their services and software and it looks like they're bringing their A game.
Just had a customer support session with Neelov.
It went well, I think. Will try to connect now to confirm. There was a billing problem with Bluesnap and poor communication led to my account being canceled. Neelov sorted it out via text chat. I've got an issue with my upgraded plan, definitely I did something wrong, but Kayne of Support Agent solved everything in less then 3 min!!
Good service, best price and really competent staff!!! Awesome and fast support! Fixed any problems I had with the app really quick. Also when I bought an addon but found out I cant use it for my purpose they refunded the money really quick. Does everything a VPN should do with some extra's! Being a non tech minded person I was having huge problems accessing the feeds I wanted to watch. The live agent was efficient, helpful and got it working in minutes.
I can't ask for more than that. Once again I have been extremely satisfied to deal with your very well prepared TeamView expert I will commit myself to bring other clients with no regret. Arthur was very dedicated and focused. He showed a lot of patience. I will definitely recommend PureVPN. Because of this VPN I can play online games with lag free and smoothly. Good service, good customer service. Every time I got issues they always help me to fix it without any hesitation so I will recommend this VPN service to everybody.
Hope everyone can have a good time with PureVPN. The app itself whether on laptop or phone is a bit confusing especially for newbies. Having said that the staff are more than happy to assist and lead newbies down the right path or answer anything they are confused about,they are really friendly, helpful, respectful and patient thank you for the help you always give. The best support you can ever dream of, the VPN is also super fast compared to others I have used.
Shout out to Abbot on the support, amazing support skills right there. Thanks, I will recommend you guys to others! Arthur the technique engineer helped me on it. He fixed it after some work perfectly. For me it works exactly as it mentions. Though in the beginning I kept getting cut off and had various other problems, I got online, help whenever I needed it. Just now I had a problem, which was sorted out in less than 5 mins by Stephen James.
I love this product and they have great online help. When i have contacted customer service. They have been extremely helpful. Good service, attitude, fast speed! Last few days, I was trying to extend my contract from 2 years to 5 years but your agents I contacted were unable to tell or show me how to do it. I was very frustrated and about to give up PureVPN.
Fortunately today , your agent NeeLov was very helpful and able to resolve it. Thanks a lot , Neelov. I am amazed how fast and professional was the customer service agent Neelov! Online chat with Neelov to solve problems was done very easily. I am not very computer savvy, so it's good to get simple instructions to solve the problem. Generally easy to use PureVPN and good value for money. Using PureVPN for 2 years now. The customer on line support have always been helpful and patient. My requests were solved very quickly.
I could have played online games and been surprised that i was connected on the VPN. I saw a plenty of response and the How to on the site to help me manage some situations. I did not test the 'alternatives' ; but for my using, I love it. Sometimes have a login issue after an update but the tech help desk sends a link that usually sorts the problem and I'm up and running again, other than that PureVPN does what I want. I was helped with a billing issue,and they went the extra mile to help me.
I was refunded for automatic billing, and I was given a free month. They were extremely helpful. They resolved my issue in minutes. Customer service is great and they don't make me wait. Its easy to use too! They have different functions for the different things you would potentially need to use the app for. I'm using from one year and I can say, I've had no problems with connection from every device.
I've got on Microsoft devices and also on Android. On Debian it was not easy to configure, but I resolved with extensions of the browser. Help desk is fast with chat with very skilled people. I thought today this is the best service that I bought on internet. New to the VPN world and without technical knowledge, I was helped during installation and after a week or so to set up DNS by tech support. They are quick to answer chat is instantaneous and provide adapted support links and details when you want to understand. The support only makes it worth the money.
Using PureVPN since two years and it is working absolutely fine. Stephen James Helps me tremendously. I have been using for 4 years now and want to use it untill I die. I do not know about others but for me this has been nothing but a life saver. My Time frame was over and I needed to use it urgently and I got 3 days extra seeing my previous commitments. Who helps like that, right?
I love you guys for it. I could not properly connect - I had support via the members chat Stephen James - he helped me through the settings and suggested to change the protocol by default it was PPTP, I changed to L2TP - this quickly solved my problem. Sometimes it is difficult to stream, and it can take a while to get someone to connect with Team Viewer - but the team viewer tech support is brilliant. We live in a cultural cul-de-sac so it is important to us to be able to stay connected with the outside world - we have used 5 or 6 VPN services over the past 5 years and PureVPN is the fastest, cleanest one.
Having said that, for me it has been quite difficult to set up. I use Safari and have had to learn chrome as that is the platform this vpn works best with. Jakub at Team Viewer has helped me immensely with setting up my computer so that the VPN works the way it should. So, for Safari users, remember to load chrome before turning on the vpn and you should have no difficulties. We live in a tech age cul-de-sac and so have a hard enough time getting internet service, much less good quality streaming so for us a vpn is imperative.
Thank you to Team Viewer and Jakub for helping me with the set up of my computer. I have yet installed my server, but with this fast help and info provided I am sure it will work or that I will get best assistance, since I have already had that I assume it will be any other times as well - within 1 second I got the best help The price seems reasonable and it generally works well. When I have had the occasional glitch, livechat support was almost immediate, and was friendly and effective. And the customer service was amazing!
Prompt, courteous and extremely helpful. Highly recommended for sure. I had a problem while connecting to the VPN and the customer service is just quick and reply me fast. And they help me solve the problem in 10 mins. This is a satisfied customer. I love your service. I really like it. I would give it a thousand stars if I could. I would ask any person that want to have a wall of protection to chose pure vpn. I am a software developer and a hardcore Linux user. Everything worked like a breeze ever since. Apart from the quality of the service, I would commend the richness and the quality of the configuration guides, particularly Linux ones.
The only hiccup was with my first attempt to pay the web system wouldn't provide the correct list of states , but that was handled perfectly by their support staff. Took me a while to figure out what was going on. But a quick chat with tech support and I was able to get it up and running on both the fire stick AND my router. You have to look a bit to find the chat, but it's worth the effort.
Tech support was VERY helpful. I spoke with O'Brian tonight and Ryan the other night and not only was he knowledgeable about Linux, he was extremely helpful and polite. Linux is a different animal, a cow for my distro. PureVPN is one of the few that houses the security of IKEv2 and with their ever-growing numbers of servers, you can't go wrong.
Classic with Slider
This is not a paid for opinion, I took the time to write a small column about the professionalism and expertise that the PureVPN shows and executes. If you run into any problem they will not rest until its solved. I have used their VPN for some years and its only getting better and better.
The only problem, and that goes for any application you may choose, is when you change OS or device and you might need help to get started again. There are many providers of VPN services but I choose the one that always been there when a problem occurred. Buffering even though I have a Mbps connection. Can't give a zero star review unfortunately.
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Sometimes you start your connection and the vpn takes an age to connect also. Great customer support when you need it. I somehow lost my password and the instant chat was there to help. They were able to send me what I needed via email right away and off I went. One of the easiest solutions to getting a VPN. Just wanted to say PureVPN do not refund your money despite they advertised on their website, money back guarantee!
Some of their features such as Split Tunneling are not working. Chat Service for Technical support was fast and efficient. Ivan provided me with direct and straight to the point questions, after which promptly sent me the details for my account to my email and helped me to resolve my problem within 2 minutes. I would like to say that Ivan has provided me with Excellent Service. I was stuck in connecting with my username and password, kept verifying and was not going in, at the end they solved the problem. I though i had to prepare myself to changing all systems to English for techs to remotely control my computer.
PureVPN is very responsive - both on the sales side and the technical support. Their app is easy to use and is pretty reliable. I had an account for 3 months so far,I have used online chat for service, first to get me connected to torrent, super fast btw , second when my monthly account renewed, even though i had later purchased a two year, if you do that same, make sure you cancel your monthly after you buy an annual and 3rd time was when a connection stopped working, solved it quickly via the online tech support.
Just bought purevpn and the tech support Angelo was very patient with me in setting up my purevpn service, pretty decent! Better than the other one I had because you never really talked to a human. Everything seem automated at my last vpn service, but this one really had a real people and not machines, big thumbs up. This works great for what I need and is easy to use at a reasonable price, cheers!
All the chat people stuck with me until I was successfully protected with PureVpn. They were patient and made sure I finally understood how to get their service working, Abbot was really great working me through the whole VPN connection along with his other co workers that I had to contact through chat to understand this process. I work in China. This is very important. This is troublesome in the face of problems. Also in the absence of VPN is impossible to buy it because you can not even open the website. But the service is still very good, very fast solution.
Hope can be resolve. Bought the subscription on an impulse. Was regretting it 48hrs later and wanted a refund but the online support was marvelous. Not only did they resolved my issues without any hesitation, even if I wanted to proceed to terminated after 2 days it was no questions asked policy! Have been using Purevpn for a week now, I'm very delighted with the speed of connections, availability of servers, on the fly no-nonsense tech support and it's very easy of use. Try it, you won't regret. By the way I'm not affiliated in anyway to Purevpn, just a happy end user.
Excellent support with excellent user experience. Pure VPN has been working great - fast and reliable. Outstanding support as well. Stephen James just helped me quickly transition to a new computer - he had me back up an running in a couple of minutes. Nothing but good things to say! I am really happy now with the newest update for both my Android phone and Windows 10 laptop. The smart connect feature on my Android phone is so nice and was badly needed.
It all seems to work well. The one issue I do have is that the OSX client latest drops the connection frequently and doesn't try to reconnect or give me a warning so I'm "out there naked. Your online chat service is awesome. Ryan helped me today. Very courteous and professional and I got a great deal. That leaves me out there "naked. Service in chat is amazing. Always there and always helpful. I worked with Ryan today. Very courteous and professional.

I am not Ryan's mom. Had a problem with the dedicated IP not resolving, spoke to Daniel on live-chat who issued me a new account and had it up and running within 30mins. Very pleased with the speedy resolution. Stephen James helped me to get a service working that everyone seems to have trouble with.
Fast help, that really understood the problem. Really good to have service of this quality! Thank you Stephen James for answering my questions and your help. My question was about subscription and extension and was solved without any fuss and problems. I was quite frustrated as the user authentication box was not appearing whenever I opened up Pure and I could not connect.
O'Brien on the live chat quickly sorted this out and problem solved. I cant just quit the app, I actually need to log out. All working fine now. I have used Pure VPN for several years now. They have great customer service they actually solve problems! I like the fact I have 5 signed accounts, that alone saves me tons of money. I also like the fact it works seamlessly across so many devices too. I have tried several other vpn servers but Pure beats them all. Spent a full day being passed from operator to operator trying to connect vpn and dedicated IP.
Got back onto purevpn live chat this morning and was greeted by agent Ryan,I was quite short with him at first after all the runaround the day before,but how wrong he sorted me out with no problem and with excellent guidance,had my two laptops up and running on purevpn in no time. Thanks again agent Ryan. I signed up, nothing was what it claimed. Nothing really worked at all, went thru the live help - they tried to get me to let them 'remotely troubleshoot' the problem, LOL that was NOT even going to happen. I filled out everything similar to what they described in the cancellation form, going through back and forth with them via email now and it's 48 hours later, they are determined to 'keep me as a happy customer'.
Next step will probably be to try to claim back from Paypal. It took me a while, but after contacting the agents, I quickly set up all my devices to my account. My only complaint is the inability to use my desktop app as a hotspot, but other than that, it all works great! Just starting to use PureVPN, only been 1 week. So far it has been a great product, easy to connect and use, user friendly interface, and every time I faced an issue or faced a limitation, I received instant help and support. Really appreciate their service. Just starting to use PureVPN,it has only been 1 week.
No problems at all, one of the easiest setups and overall very good results in terms of speed and reliability. Really quick responses from the support team I had selected the wrong configuration at first and changed my mind. I have Been with these guys for three years and signed up for three more. Value for money if you are an Australian and a really good price at the moment. PureVPN is sluggish and speeds are not at the top of the chart. It has good support, no real issues aside from the ones I have mentioned. I wouldn't go back to PureVPN as I found others to be similar with lower speeds and problems with some servers dropping connections.
It connects in a sec and very fast. The windows app can be buggy. However, the chat support is very helpful and solve all the problems i have! Didn't take me longer than two minutes to clarify everything with Stephen James on the LiveChat. Super clear instructions and fast answering. Personnel handled my issue with excellence and very knowledgeable. I had a big problem with my dedicated ip and he took over the reigns while I sat back and watched him fix the issue at hand. If I had alone had to fix the issue it would never had been done.
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